June is Pride
June is Pride Month
Pride month reminds us that in the ashes of our history rises love. It reminds us of the warriors who came before and the importance of community while we continue the fight ahead of us. And in the world of social justice, it reminds us that just because it's legal, doesn't make it right.Every week, I have the privilege of working with the incarcerated transgender population. Every time I enter the ward all the inmates greet me with an enthusiastic "Hello!" Some inmates come out of their cells to say hello or share drawings they've been working on. Slowly we come to our mats where sometimes we do yoga together and other times we dissect Shakespeare and the latest books they've read. Their energy is contagious and I forget where we are. Then an alarm goes off or an inspection happens and I am back in the jail. But with grace each inmate, living with this daily, returns to their mat with love and openness.Last week, commissary arrived as I was waiting to leave. I watched as some picked up their commissary and others sat nearby not expecting anything. Without hesitation, those who had gave to those who didn't. Little things like sugar, chips, whatever they could. Right away, it reminded me of the strength and importance of community. In the moments where it can be easier to isolate, those are the times to come together. And in the moments of adversity it is important to find compassion.I am humbled by my students strength, the strength that has been forced upon them and that they wear so well. I am humbled by their relentless love even with the mountains they've overcome and have ahead of them.** I wrote this piece, for Liberation Prison Yoga. An organization I teach with and am passionate about, if you have the time learn more about the work and how we are disrupting the criminal justice system! **