Changing my life to change myself
Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
- Leo Tolstoy
Lately, I've been sitting in a space of transformation. By nature, and like most, I like what's stable and secure and resist change. But, my greatest fear in life is complacency and an unlived life. These two identities are always there and depending on whether I am listening to my heart or my mind, one pulls more than the other.This last year, has been a space of major life changes - quit my job of 12 years and I transitioned to teaching yoga - and so I held onto the things and spaces that felt safe, whether or not they were useful. So although there was a lot of change, nothing really happened. (PS writing this right now, I just blew my own mind!)In February, I practiced a clearing ritual. And since then, I have felt a major internal shift. It really feels like an eruption in my soul. Everything is coming to the surface and exploding, not always in a productive or sensible way, and a lot of times I don't know where it's all going. I am finding the passions in my soul aching to get out and I know it's because I need a major shift. I need to change my life to change my myself.With that, I am creating space for this process to begin. I gave notice to my landlord that I am not renewing my lease. The next few months will be filled with transition, closing off one part of my life, to make space for another.I am focused on traveling and learning more about: growth + resiliency, indigenous + native healing traditions, travel + culture, and movement.Stay tuned - I plan on sharing this journey, the challenges, the freedom, the discovery.